Unmasking the Felicity Marmaduke Pregnancy Details With Ded Man

Felicity Marmaduke made headlines due to her pregnancy in 2010. Everyone in the city was stunned and left feeling devastated by the incident. Even after more than ten years have passed since the occurrence, people still struggle to comprehend the h0rrible act committed by a female m0rtuary worker.

How did Felicity Marmaduke Become Pregnant?

M0rtuary employee Felicity Marmaduke became pregnant in 2010 after having an iIIicit relationship with one of the many deἀd people in their care. Everyone in the city was shocked and saddened by the unusual event.

Although the incident happened more than ten years ago, most people have never forgotten the awful conduct committed by the female m0rtuary worker. Because she improperly handled a deἀd man’s body.

She was jailed after a DNA test revealed the newborn was actually a deἀd man’s teen. Felicity has been aɼɼested and is being held in custody on a $250,000 bail.

The crἰme happened on the grounds of the M0urning Glory M0rtuary which is just outside of Lexington, Missouri. The infant was indeed the offspring of the ineffective man. “Necrophilia” was thought to be the cause.

However, the infant has been shielded from public view and now leads a quiet life. Although the m0rtuary worker became pregnant in 2010 the child will likewise be a teen by 2022. All are now interested in where is Felicity’s baby.

Where is Felicity Marmaduke’s Baby Now?

The infant of Marmaduke has been kept out of the public eye and has led a low-profile existence. However, given that the m0rtuary employee became pregnant in 2010, the child may already be a teen by 2022.

People speculate that she plans to sue the estate of the deceἀsed father for teenage assistance using the toddler as evidence.

People are showing anger towards woman on social media which are getting viral:

Police in Missouri charged Felicity Marmaduke, a mortuary worker with desecration & necrophilia after being pregnant by one of her clients.

— Katherine Obiang (@KatherineObiang) May 9, 2013

PSA-google -Felicity Marmaduke -she fucced a dead man & got pergant ! LMBAO WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING 2

— MB 🦍 (@RiccJamesBitch) January 9, 2012

Note: We made this post as per the information from sources. We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings here.

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